Protect your pipes!

Don’t pour fats, oils, or grease down your drains!

Cooking wastes—fats, oil, and grease clog your pipes, causing hundreds or even thousands of dollars in damages. This also damages the water quality in our bays and bayous.

Do your part and dispose of used cooking waste the right way—in the trash. Never down the drain.

Source: AWBD Journal, Spring 2018


Tax Rates
The District’s tax rate for 2017 is .039 per $100 of assessed valuation.

Water and Sewer Rates
Water and sewer rates are assessed according to the type of user, as shown below.

District residents classified as either Family Users, Multi-Family Users with individual meters, Non-Taxable Users, or Irrigation Users shall be charged for water service from the District on a monthly basis according to the amount of water used in accordance with the following schedule:

Amount of Payment Water and Sewer Usage
$14.25 Minimum monthly charge (1,000 gallons)
$1.50 Water rate per 1,000 gallons metered water usage over 1,000 gallons
$1.50 Sewer rate per 1,000 gallons metered water usage over 1,000 gallons

For Multi-Family Residential Users with a master meter, the following rates per month, or any part thereof, shall be charged for water service to apartment units served by a master meter:

Amount of Payment Water and Sewer Usage
$14.25 Minimum monthly charge (1,000 gallons per unit)
$1.50 Water rate per 1,000 gallons metered water usage over 1,000 gallons
$1.50 Sewer rate per 1,000 gallons metered water usage over 1,000 gallons per unit

For Construction Connections (temporary connections used to provide water for construction or site improvement prior to initial occupancy), monthly charges will be $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of water used. No water usage for such purposes shall be permitted until the District’s Operator has installed a construction meter, and a fee and deposit have been paid to the District.

For Irrigation Connections (connections used exclusively for irrigating land), monthly charges will be $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of water used. While a tap fee is not required, a fee covering any costs incurred by the District in the installation of a connection shall be paid to the District.

Fire Protection Connections. A Fire Protection User who installs a private fire protection line with fire hydrant(s) or sprinklers, or requests the installation of such a line, shall be responsible for all water used on that line. The Fire Protection User shall be charged $1.50 per 1,000 gallons of water used.